Navigating a Rebrand: How and when to Refresh Your Company's Image
As businesses evolve and market landscapes shift, more and more companies, organizations, and institutions are revamping their brands to secure a competitive edge. A Hanover Research study found that 75% of companies did work on their brand between 2020 and 2021. A 2022 UpCity survey found that 51% of businesses had changed their branding since Covid-19 began.
On the Job: Wes Carver electric
While my work brings me all over the east coast, nothing makes me happier than getting a call from a local business in my hometown. Wes Carver Electrical has been owned and operated in little old Lansdale, Pennsylvania since 1999. Before they were ever clients, I have walked my dogs past their building on Broad Street a thousand times, and seen their signature vans all around town serving the community. They gave me a call in November to take some professional team photos to update their website. Wes has been a returning customer for several years, and understands the importance of incorporating regularly updated team photos to build a unified and authentic brand image.
Should You Update Your Marketing Photos with the Changing Seasons?
As the seasons shift, so do the visual landscapes around us. But what about your website and social media platforms? Is it time to refresh your online presence to reflect the current season? With Spring on the horizon, here are some compelling reasons to update your website photos with the changing seasons.
4 Trends Shaping Higher Education Marketing Strategies in 2024
Higher education professionals know that the marketing landscape has evolved significantly with the rise of online platforms and digital communication. In 2024, marketing professionals in academia need to be proactive and strategic in embracing emerging trends to stay ahead of the curve. In this blog post, we'll explore four key trends that are set to shape higher education marketing strategies in the coming year.
On the Job: The Wall That Heals
In October, we had the honor of documenting The Wall That Heals exhibit for Upper Providence Township. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) introduced this traveling replica of the iconic Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C in 1996. The purpose was to bring the solemnity and significance of the memorial to various communities across the United States. Since its inauguration, The Wall That Heals has journeyed to nearly 700 communities nationwide, extending the healing legacy of the original Memorial to millions.
on the job: novatia marketing shoot
So far in this life of mine, my proximity to mass spectrometers and other complex lab equipment was mostly from crime scene procedurals like CSI. And of course I’ve gotten to visit many college and university labs with a catalog of new and old equipment in my photography career. Lucky for me, Novatia reached out in hopes we could update their staff headshots and lab photos at their cutting-edge facility in Newtown, PA.
don’t sleep on lifestyle branding
Branding can often feel like an vague term. The general idea is easy enough to grasp but when you dig down, it gets harder to wrap your head around. A lot of different things a business or organization or school does to stand out falls under the branding umbrella. One component of branding is photography, of course. But, just within photography, what you choose to photograph and how you organize and deploy those images can have huge impacts on the messages you’re sending to the world. One thing I love to tell anyone who is starting a new brand or considering a rebrand is: don’t sleep on lifestyle branding.
on the job: malvern prep marketing shoot
One of the many reasons I love my job is because of the many ways that projects come together. My creativity often feeds off of the unpredictability of photo shoots — will the weather hold out? Will the subjects show? It’s a lot of nimble problem solving and thinking on my feet. It’s not unusual for me to be thinking about my next shot while I’m still clicking away at my current one.
on the job: ballinger lifestyle shoot
Collaboration is at the core of my photography and business philosophies. No matter if I’m working with a new or returning client, a single person or a large business, it’s important to me to be a partner in the creative process. The team approach always produces the best results in my experience. When Ballinger reached out about working together a few weeks ago, it only took one look at their website for me to know we were a perfect match.