on the job: ballinger lifestyle shoot

Collaboration is at the core of my photography and business philosophies. No matter if I’m working with a new or returning client, a single person or a large business, it’s important to me to be a partner in the creative process. The team approach always produces the best results in my experience. When Ballinger reached out about working together a few weeks ago, it only took one look at their website for me to know we were a perfect match.

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planning your fall content calendar

The beginning of August means a new school year is a mere couple of weeks away. While a lot of people (myself included) don’t want to acknowledge the fact that summer even has an end — or that that end is coming nearer — it is nonetheless true. So, in the spirit of collaboration and sharing of insights from my side of the table, I thought I’d broach a topic that often can get overlooked in the summer malaise: the benefits of planning your fall content calendar.

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on the job: executive portraits

Executive portraits are a huge part of the outward image for any leader, no matter what industry. Whether you are talking about higher ups at a huge, multinational corporation with thousands of employees or the CEO of a small business with only twenty or thirty employees, executive portraits are often the first impression of an institution’s leadership.

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